Опубликован 2024-05-05



The most dangerous traumatic factors in the modern world include various forms of violence that directly threaten the life and health of a person himself and those close to him. According to various studies, it was found that the incidence of mental disorders in people who survived childhood sexual abuse is about 4 times higher than in the general population, the rate is twice as high among men [1] and women who have experienced multiple sexual and physically abused are 20 times more likely to engage in suicidal behavior in difficult life situations than the general population

Как цитировать

Akymbek, G. (2024). FOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSISTANCE TO WOMEN VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. Журнал Педагогики и психологии в современном образовании, 408-412. извлечено от https://fll.jdpu.uz/index.php/ppmedu/article/view/9888

Библиографические ссылки

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