The article discusses the issues of enriching the assignments of
practical classes and science clubs with educational materials in the field, depending
on the direction of education. Building a mathematical model for undergraduate
students to calculate the volume of liquid in a container with a complex appearance
according to the given parameters, common in everyday life, based on this model, the
problem of creating mobile applications, online calculators can be solved effectively
using online websites for direct mathematical calculations.
The use of complex variable functions during problem solving increases students'
ability to work with complex numbers.
Как цитировать
Библиографические ссылки
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Rabimkul Abdunazarov
Jizzakh Branch of the National University of Uzbekistan
Ключевые слова:
Mathematical model, online calculator, sphere segment, ellipsoid segment, elliptical paroboloid segment, elliptical cylinder, inverse hyperbolic functions, computational algorithm, convex surface, fluid volume, fluid level.Выпуск
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